
Buyer HGTV House Hunters As a real estate agent, as quirky as it is, I believe the HGTV Show “House Hunters” does a good job at introducing people to the world of real estate, even if the show’s participants don’t choose the right property.  In 22 minutes, you see buyers: Identify their real priorities (wants vs needs), experience the […]
Buyer Utah’s New Construction Grant Did you hear about the $50M new bill Utah passed to help first-time buyers?  It was decided some of the State’s “extra” money would be used to help buyers get into a newly constructed home.  We are still waiting for the details, but in general this is what is known. The bill signed into law […]
Buyer Where will you get your down payment? Are you thinking about purchasing a new home in Utah, but worried about where you will get your down payment?  Well, one of the good things about living in Utah is there are several options out there for you depending on your income level.  You can research these options on your own, keep reading for […]
Buyer Non-Traditional Financing: Debt Service Coverage Ratio Loan Are you a real estate investor looking to add properties or a person wanting to become a real estate investor?  Do you have at least 20% for a down payment?  The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan may be the perfect option in either case to help you acquire your next property. This is a […]
Buyer Non-Traditional Financing: No Ratio Loan Do you have cash, but maybe not a recurring paycheck?  In the second follow-up to, Non-Traditional, Very Useful, Financing Options!, I will explore the mortgage that might be a perfect fit for you.  Here are a few example situations where the No Ratio Loan could help you purchase a house: Were you a stay-at-home partner […]
Buyer Non-Traditional Financing: Cross-Collateral Loans In the first follow-up to, Non-Traditional, Very Useful, Financing Options!, I will ask you this question; “Ever been in a situation where you?” Fell in love with a property, but were nowhere near ready to sell your home where all your equity is? Wanted to keep your existing home as a rental after you moved? […]
Buyer Monthly Newsletter – May 2022 How to Avoid Homebuyer’s Remorse in a Hot Market Buying a home is almost always a great investment, and of course it’s exciting to find and close on a home that you will get to call your own. That feeling of joy and confidence can fade quickly though if certain things are overlooked during the […]
Buyer Non-Traditional, Very Useful, Financing Options! I spend a lot of time talking about mortgage lending with Mark Moyes, one of my preferred lenders.  Whether it is making sure current clients are moving through the underwriting process smoothly, or while trying to understand what lending options are open to other clients concerned about their situation.  Most recently though, we were talking […]
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Buyer How Much Does a Real Estate Agent Make? My wife and I were joking around the other day, and she said, “Since you have so much time, why don’t you write an article about how much money real estate agents make?”  Well, here I am, lots of time, hopefully shedding some light on why real estate agents request a 3% commission, and why […]
Buyer Let Someone Else’s Money Work For You! It is not a secret, but what is the easiest way to accumulate wealth?  By investing in real estate.  We all need somewhere to live and for most people this means having some version of a home payment, rent or mortgage.  In this article, I am not going to discuss the reasons to buy a […]
Buyer Monthly Newsletter – April 2022 How Does Inflation Affect Home Prices? If you’ve followed the news lately, you’ve probably seen quite a bit about inflation. The consumer price index jumped 0.8% in February, bringing the total increase over the last 12 months to 7.9% – this is the largest annual jump in the last 40 years. So, how does all […]
Buyer Is Cash King for Making the Winning Offer? Do you need to make a cash offer to win?  This is a follow-up to an article I wrote back at the beginning of the COVID lockdown, “Lost to An All Cash Offer?”.   It is still an exciting topic and one that has surprised me as I have looked further into the details of how […]
Buyer How much do you know about the Buying Process? First-time, Second-time, Multi-time Buyer Besides buying a home what is common between all these individuals?  In my opinion, it is likely they all may not fully know or remember what happens during the buying process.  Sure, most know you get an agent and a lender, look for a home, find your dream home, negotiate an […]
Buyer Lost to An All Cash Offer? Wow, the real estate market in Salt Lake County is hot right now.  It may not be as crazy as the Bay Area, but it sure does feel like it.  As of today, March 11th 2020, there are only 1,215 active residential properties listed in the county.  That’s 44% lower than last year, and is […]
Buyer What I’m Looking for When I Buy a Home One of the things a good real estate professional will do when they sit down with a new client is have a “Probing” session.  During this conversation what we’re looking to uncover are “Benefits” of the “Features” that you’re looking for, to help you “Crystallize” on what’s important to you. So, let’s explain with an […]
Buyer Winter Vacation Properties Interesting title for a first post?   Well, it’s one on the top of my mind, not only because I had a vacation property in Park City, but I spent Saturday showing properties to someone who was interested in at least the idea. As an winter enthusiast, isn’t this how the conversation goes: “Man that was […]